EDUC-430: Teaching and Learning Mathematics

Credits 4
Grade Scheme
Session Cycle

Candidates will learn the knowledge, skills and understanding to implement effective mathematics instruction. Emphasizes the teaching and learning process to best enable students to develop appropriate mathematics skills, attitudes, and concepts with a focus on mathematical process, problem solving, communication, reasoning, connections, and varied representations. Using the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics Standards, Virginia’s Foundation Blocks for Early Learning (PK) and Virginia Standards of Learning (K-6), candidates will explore assessments, remediation strategies, the use of manipulatives, technology. The clinical experience for the course provides candidates the opportunity to be active participants by observing theory to practice, designing, and implementing lesson plans, and reflecting on teaching and learning.

Includes a 20-hr clinical experience in an elementary setting. Successful clinical experience is necessary for a passing grade in the class.


Admission to the TEP; Course must be taken the semester prior to student teaching; EDUC-200 through EDUC-320

Corequisites or Prerequisites
Term Offered
Fall Only