International Security & Diplomacy

Degree Type
Bachelor of Arts - Major

Major Requirements

A Bachelor of Arts degree consisting of 43 credit hours distributed as follows:

NOTE: Students can double major in International Security & Diplomacy and Political Science, but only 9 credits from Global Processes and 9 credits from Regional Studies MUST be taken in disciplines other than Political Science.

May choose one course from each of the following for Regional Studies:

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits

Students may take one Internship (PSCI-480X) toward the requirements for the major and apply the credits to either Global Processes or Regional Studies.

One international travel course (such as ART-307X) or cultural exploration course (such as FREN-305X) may be used toward the Regional Studies requirement.

Political Science majors may minor in Global Studies, but the 15 credits from non-core areas must be taken in disciplines other than Political Science.

Students pursuing the major are strongly encouraged to study abroad, participate in the BC2DC program, and explore a minor relevant to their area of interest (world languages and cultures, economics, history, business, philosophy, and religion, etc.), and to participate in an internship. Relevant internships through PSCI-480X earn credit toward the major.