Statement of Institutional Values

Bridgewater College lives out its mission by embracing the ideals of Goodness, Truth, Beauty, and Harmony. Grounded in our historical ties with the Church of the Brethren, these ideals animate our mission and inspire us to educate students committed to pursuing truth, to living lives enriched by beauty and aspiring to goodness, and to achieving a vision of unity and community

Goodness. We strive to produce graduates who engage the world with compassion, integrity, and humility, and who seek to build peaceful and just communities.

Truth. We embrace the open exchange of ideas leading to new understanding and knowledge through a liberal arts education that instills in students the skills and habits of mind to think critically and independently.

Beauty. We educate the whole person and recognize that the fullness of the human spirit requires an understanding of and commitment to passion, creativity, and imagination that give the world substance, vitality and depth.

Harmony. We celebrate the diversity among us while promoting civil discourse. We prepare graduates to live and work in community with others, to thrive as educated citizens, ethical and selfless leaders, and to be active participants in a global society where they serve with respect for the dignity and worth of every person.