Procedures For Readmission To The College

Request for Readmission. A student seeking readmission following a withdrawal from the College, whether the withdrawal was voluntary or required and including suspensions, must complete the online application for readmission and provide the materials described in the application. The Associate Provost will work with the appropriate College officials to determine the student's readiness to return to the College.

Request for Readmission Following Academic Withdrawal.

If a student seeking readmission withdrew from the College, whether voluntarily or as required, based on academic performance or academic misconduct, the Associate Provost will work with other College officials, as appropriate, to determine the student's readiness to return. After reviewing all relevant information and consulting with College officials as appropriate, the Associate Provost will make the determination of whether to grant or deny the request for readmission. The decision whether to grant or deny the request is made at the sole discretion of the Associate Provost or designee and is final.

Request for Readmission Following Non-Academic Withdrawal.

If a student seeking readmission withdrew from the College, whether voluntarily or as required, for any reason other than academic performance or academic misconduct, including suspensions for disciplinary reasons, the Associate Provost will work with the Associate Vice President for Student Life ("Associate VP") or designee, who, in consultation with other College officials, as appropriate, will determine the student's readiness to return.

      1. Information for Readmission Determination. The College reserves the right to require from a student seeking readmission sufficient information, documentation and evaluation, determined on a case-by-case basis, to demonstrate that the student is qualified and ready to return to full-time academic work and campus life. Depending on the particular circumstances and reasons for the student's withdrawal, this may involve an on-campus interview with one or more College officials, an evaluation of the student's behavior and any relevant physical/mental conditions by an appropriate health professional selected by the Associate VP or designee, and/or submission of a written progress assessment from a treating health professional, indicating that: (a) the student is qualified and ready to resume the particular rigors and essential requirements of full-time academic work and campus life at the College, with or without reasonable accommodation; and (b) her/his treatment and care needs, if applicable, can be supported at the College. In cases where the College requires a written progress assessment from a treating health professional, the College will require a release from the student to permit appropriate College officials to discuss current treatment and follow-up needs with the treating health professional.

      2. Decision on Readmission. In appropriate cases, as determined by the Associate VP or designee, the directors of Student Health Services and the Counseling Center will review the information and recommend to the Associate VP or designee approval (with or without conditions of treatment, education, counseling, or other) or denial of the request for readmission. The Associate VP or designee may review any health professional's written progress assessment and/or relevant health care records and consult with College health professionals and/or other College officials, as needed, to inform her/his decision making. The Associate VP or designee, after an individualized assessment based on current available information, will then act on the request for readmission. The Associate VP or designee will provide the student written notice of the Associate VP's or designee's decision. Decisions regarding readmission made pursuant to this paragraph are made at the sole discretion of the Associate VP or designee and may be appealed as provided in the following paragraph of this policy.

      3. Appeal. A student may appeal a decision by the Associate VP or designee made pursuant to the above paragraph of this policy to the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students ("Dean") or designee. A student who wishes to appeal must do so in a writing delivered to the Dean or designee within three (3) business days following receipt of the decision from the Associate VP or designee. The written appeal must state specifically why the student believes the decision is not warranted under the circumstances. The review by the Dean or designee shall be limited to whether proper College procedures were followed and whether the decision is supported by the record. After reviewing the written appeal and record, the Dean or designee may meet with the student and consult with the Associate VP or designee and/or other College officials before reaching a decision. The Dean or designee may: (a) affirm the decision; (b) modify the decision; (c) remand the matter back to the Associate VP or designee for further proceedings or consideration; or (d) reverse the decision. The Dean or designee will provide the student written notice of the Dean's or designee's decision. The decision of the Dean or designee is final.

Nondiscriminatory Application of Policy. The College will apply all College policies and associated procedures in a nondiscriminatory manner, in consultation with qualified professionals, as appropriate. Each determination is based on an individualized assessment of a student's situation, including observations of student conduct, actions and statements and their impact on others and the campus community, not on mere perceptions or speculations, and what is in the best interests of the student, the campus community and the College.