Withdrawal Due to Health Reasons or Military Service

In the event of an approved withdrawal for health reasons or military service, a refund of tuition and fees is provided according to the following schedule: 

  • During the first two weeks of the semester 80% 
  • During the third or fourth weeks 50% 
  • During the fifth or sixth weeks 20%
  • After the sixth week No Refund

In the event of an approved withdrawal due to active military service, a student who has received VA Benefits for that semester will be refunded all tuition fees, technology fee, student service fee and residential fee for that academic term.

A student called to active military service is responsible for providing the appropriate military orders. In most cases, the supporting documentation must be received within two weeks after the withdrawal date.

A portion of the residential fee may be prorated. Confidential written documentation in support of a medical withdrawal must be provided by a physician or other certified medical practitioner to the assistant dean for academic affairs. A student called to active military service is responsible for providing the appropriate military orders. In most cases, the supporting documentation must be received within two weeks after the withdrawal date.