New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation 

Orientation for Undergraduate Students 

Students accepted to Bridgewater College and having paid their $300 deposit are eligible to attend orientation sessions. Orientation helps incoming students and their parents become familiar with the Bridgewater College community and emphasizes how to transition into college life. Led by faculty, staff and trained student leaders, known as Soar Mentors, orientation provides opportunities for new students to build connections with each other, learn more about their academic opportunities and campus resources, and connect with engagement opportunities outside of the classroom. Sessions during Orientation are designed to foster a sense of belonging for both the student and their families to ease their transitions. Faculty advisors assist students with their registration questionnaire during orientation. The registration questionnaire is utilized by the Registrar to build their fall schedule. 

Three summer orientation sessions are offered to students, as well as a transfer orientation session. 

Welcome Week for Undergraduate Students 

Welcome Week takes place when new students move on to campus in the fall and is the final piece of the orientation process. The week's events are designed to support students in the transition to becoming successful Bridgewater College students. During Welcome Week, students complete the registration process, meet their FILA 150 faculty and spend time with their FILA 150 class participating in collaborative activities to build class affinity. New students attend required sessions that showcase elements of what it means to live in the BC community. They are guided through the week by an upper-class Soar Mentor who is imbedded in their FILA 150 class and serves as an academic and social mentor for students during their first semester.   

Graduate Student Orientation 

Graduate programs schedule an orientation specialized for their admitted students. Information regarding program-specific orientation will be communicated to the student from the graduate program. Graduate students are not expected to participate in the orientation program designed for undergraduate students.